Sunday, September 13, 2009

Women Working Wonders 5k/0k

Who wouldn't like to start their day with a brisk run for a good cause, followed up with a massage and a manicure? You don't run? Neither do I. Fortunately, you can walk, too!

I spent my morning with my Mom educating participants on our gluten-free products. We talked about cakes, too! The need for gluten-free is growing and growing as doctors and patients alike become more aware of celiac disease. It was fun to see so many people (not gluten-free) enjoy our GF cupcakes and cookies. It can be such a struggle for celiac's to find something tasty that will not make them sick. That is where we come in!

GF goodies can be ordered on our website or you can call us at the bakery, 517-333-6881.

It was a great morning and I'm certain that everyone enjoyed themselves! We met some very nice people and I am so happy that we were invited to participate this year! Most of all, it felt great to be a part of such a worthy cause!

To learn more about the event visit their website.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly I just love your GFCF treats! I started a blog for those that are GFCF in the Grater Lansing area so that we can share our favorite brands, stores, restaurants and much more! You're GFCF treats definitely "take the cake" :)
